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- Adult's shoulder
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Adult's shoulder
Shoulder joint kinematic is complex and determined by anthropometric measures from individual anatomical landmarks. Endoprosthesis of the humeral part of the shoulder joint must be aligned properly to individual anatomical landmarks of the humerus.
Such landmarks shall be determined semi-automatically in preoperative ultrasound image volumes. We developed an ultrasound volume acquisition, processing and planning tool that measures and determines anthropometric measures from the landmarks automatically from 3-D-ultrasound volumes and calculates to an optimal position of the endprosthesis. A navigation tool was developed to guide the necessary surgical instruments to the predefined optimal position.
Co-operation: Hannover Medical School, Orthopedic Clinic, Laboratory for Biomechanics and Biomaterials (LBB), Hannover, Germany
Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich Martin Overhoff, 19.06.2014