Die beste Abschlussarbeit der Westfälischen Hochschule 2020

Campus Gelsenkirchen


Nina Häselhoff erhielt den Erich-Müller-Preis 2020 für beste Bachelor-Abschlussarbeit der Westfälischen Hochschule am Campus Gelsenkirchen.

Design of a Bioreactor to Observe Musculoskeletal Tissues during Enthesis Formation through Optical Coherence Elastography: This thesis deals with the design of a single-well bioreactor for mechanical stimulation and observation of musculoskeletal tissues during enthesis formation. The bioreactor chamber is construed for Flexor Digitorium Profundus enthesis tissue. Development of the tissue is monitored employing optical coherence elastography.

The thesis has been prepared during a Erasmus+ visit at the University Dundee, Scotland, under the supervision of Mit Dr. J.B.Vorstius.

Darüber berichtetedie WH und Trikon 2/2021