Prof. Dr. Julia Stauf

Zur Person

Fachbereich Wirtschaft GE (FB 4)

Informationen zur Person

Forschungsschwerpunkte: Verhaltens- und Experimentalökonomik




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Journal articles                       

Stauf, J., Schubert, M., & Reitemeyer, A. (2021). Impfabsichten: Sie müssen umgesetzt werden. Wirtschaftsdienst, 10.

Schubert, M., & Stauf, J. (2020). Behavioral insights for humanitarian aid and relief: Case studies for public health. International Journal of Humanitarian Studies, 1(2).

Feldhaus, C. & Stauf, J. (2016). More than words: the effects of cheap talk in a volunteer’s dilemma. Experimental Economics, 19(2), 342-359.

Bolton, G. E., Ockenfels, A. & Stauf, J. (2015). Social responsibility promotes conservative risk behavior. European Economic Review, 74(C), 109-127.

Policy papers and reports

European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, Mosoreanu, M., Ulicna, D., Paetz, S., Podobea, V., Schubert, M., Stauf, J., Renda, A., & Sipiczk, A. (2022). Behavioural study on the link between challenges of artificial intelligence for Member States’ civil liability rules and consumer attitudes towards AI-enabled products and services: Final report.

Schubert, M., Bashri, M., Jayet. C., Vautrin. E. & Stauf, J. (2020). Shared Truth: How can societies be better equipped to fight misinformation? V20 Policy Brief, Global Values: Harnessing shared values to advance transnational goals, 6-12.

Schubert, M., Stauf, J., Jayet, C., Vautrin, E. & Koleilat Khatib, D. (2020). Mutual Trust: How to restore interpersonal and public trust. V20 Policy Brief, Global Values: Harnessing shared values to advance transnational goals, 13-19.

Schubert, M., Najla Al-Ariefy, N., Stauf, J., Parrish, O., Fallatah, A. & Koleilat Khatib, D. (2020). Global Responsibility: How can coordinated action help to counter a diffusion of responsibility? V20 Policy Brief, Global Values: Harnessing shared values to advance transnational goals, 20-27.

Al-Otaibi, M., Al-Sulaiman, L., Jiang, N. Kabbani, M., Stauf, J. & Schubert, M. (2020). Gender Equality: How to sanitize HR processes from biases. V20 Policy Brief, Leadership values: How values shape organizational outcomes, 39-44.

Al-Otaibi, M., Al-Dulaijan, H., Schubert, M. & Stauf, J. (2020). Employee Responsibility: How to reduce the misuse of resources. V20 Policy Brief, Leadership values: How values shape organizational outcomes, 45-50.

Stauf, J., Schubert, M. & Reitemeyer, A. (2020). Self-control for health and finance: How to help people pursue their personal goals. V20 Policy Brief, Quality of life: How values boost wellbeing, 12-18.

Lee, J., Bardi, A., Stauf, J., & Schubert, M. (2020). Interpersonal solidarity: How to mobilize interpersonal solidarity at scale. V20 Policy Brief, Quality of life: How values boost wellbeing, 25-31.

Discussion papers

Urbig, D., Stauf, J. & Weitzel, U. (2009). What is your level of overconfidence? A strictly incentive compatible measurement of absolute and relative overconfidence. Discussion Paper Series, Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute, 9(20).