Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ghazal Moeini

Zur Person


Institut für Maschinenbau
Westfälisches Energieinstitut

Fachbereich Maschinenbau, Umwelt- und Gebäudetechnik (FB 1)


Vito Burgio

Georg Fischer

Alwin Gawenda

Dzhem Kurtulan



Werkstofftechnik u. Fügetechnik

Informationen zur Lehre

- Fügetechnik

- Thermische Fügetechnik

- Additive Fertigung metallischer Werkstoffe

- Qualitätssicherung geschweißter Konstruktionen



Additive Fertigung von metallischen Werkstoffen

Haupt- und Unterschlagworte

FertigungFüge- und TrenntechnikMaterialforschungModellierung und Simulation


Institut für Maschinenbau
Westfälisches Energieinstitut

Informationen zur Forschung

•    Additive Fertigung (SLM, WAAM, EBAM)

•    Multiskalenmodellierung

•    Schweißtechnik

•    Metallurgie des Schweißens

ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen: 

- Nammalvar Raja Rajan, A., Krochmal, M., Wegener, T., Hartmaier, A., Niendorf, T., Moeini, G."Micro-Macro modeling of tensile behavior of a friction stir welded hybrid joint of AlSi10Mg parts produced by powder bed fusion and casting", Journal of Welding in the World (2024),

- Moeini, G., Merghany, M., Vogelsang, J., Sajadifar, S., Tenkamp, J., Niendorf, T., Walther, F., "Intergrity Assessment of Electron-Beam-Welded Joints of Additively Manufactured AlSo10Mg Components", Journal of Advanced Engineering Materials (2023),

-  Nammalvar Raja Rajan, A., Krochmal, M., Shahmardani, M., Wegener, T., Hartmaier, A., Niendorf, T., Moeini, G."Micromechanical modeling of the low-cycle fatigue behavior of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg", Journal of Material Science and Engineering A (2023),

- Krochmal, M., Nammalvar Raja Rajan, A., Moeini, G., Sajadifar, S.V., Wegener, T., Niendorf, T., "Microstructural and mechanical properties of AlSi10Mg:Hybrid welding of additively manufactured and cast parts" Journal of Materials Research (2022)

- Brand, M., Moeini, G., Marginean, G., "Corrosion behavior of 316L additively produced by Directed Energy Deposition-Arc", Materialstoday:Proceedings,2022,

- Moeini, G., Vogelsang, J., Böhm, S., Niendorf, T., "Schweißnahtintegrität additiv gefertigter Aluminiumkomponenten", DVS Berichte, Band 383, Metall in bestForm, 2022 

- Rajan, A., Krochmal, M., Wegener, T., Biswas, A., Hartmaier, A., Niendorf, T., Moeini, G., "Micromechanical Modeling of AlSi10Mg Processed by Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing: From as-Built to Heat-Treated Microstructures", Materials 2022, 15(16), 5562; 

- Moeini, G., Sajadifar, V., Wegener, T., Rössler, C., Gerber, A., Böhm, S., Niendorf, T., “On the influence of build orientation on properties of friction stir welded Al-Si10Mg parts produced by selective laser melting”, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, (2021),

- Moeini, G., Sajadifar, V., Engler, T., Heider, B., Niendorf, T., Oechsner, M., Böhm, S., “Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Microstructural, Mechanical, and Corrosion Properties of Al‐Si12 Additive Manufactured Components”, Journal of Metals, (2020), 10(1), 85.

- Rahimzadeh, A., Heidarzadeh, A., Mohammadzadeh, A., Moeini, G., “Effect of friction stir welding heat input on the microstructure and tensile properties of Cu-Zn alloy containing disordered β phase”, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, (2020), 9(5), 154-161  Scharifi, E., Sajadifar, S. V., -

- Moeini, G., Weidig, U., Böhm, S., Niendorf, T., Steinhoff., K. “Dynamic Tensile Deformation of High Strength Aluminum Alloys Processed Following Novel Thermomechanical Treatment Strategies.” Advanced Engineering Materials, (2020),

- Moeini, G., Sajadifar, V., Wegener, T., Niendorf, T., Böhm, S., " On the low-cycle fatigue behavior of friction stir welded Al-Si12 parts produced by selective laser melting", Journal of Material Science and Engineering A, (2019), 764, 138189

- Sajjadifar, V., Moeini, G., Scharifi, E., Lauhoff, C., Böhm, S., Niendorf, T., “On the effect of quenching on postweld heat treament of friction-stir welded aluminum 7075 alloy”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s11665-019-04252-3

- Moeini, G., Ramazani, A., Hildebrand, J., Rößler, C., Könke, C., “Micro-Macro characterization and modelling of fatigue behavior of laser welded DP steel”, Journal of Material Science and Engineering A, (2018), 730, 232-243.  

- Moeini, G., Ramazani, A., Könke, C., “Micromechanical modeling of fatigue in DP steel”, Journal of Material Science and Engineering A, (2017), 689, 89-95.

- Moeini, G., Ramazani, A., Myslicki, S., Sundararaghavan, V., Könke, C., “Low cycle fatigue behavior of DP steels: Micromechanical modelling vs. validation”, Journal of Metals, (2017), 7(7), 265.

- Moeini, G., Hildebrand, J., Könke, C., “Microstructure based fatigue failure of Dual-phase steel welded joints”, Mathematical Modelling of Weld phenomena 11, (2016), 213-219.

- Hosseinioun, M., Moeini, G., Könke, C., Tahaei, A., “Investigations on multi-run metal made of HSLA steel-heterogeneous microstructure and mechanical properties”, Journal of Materials testing, (2017), Vol 59, 661-672.

- Hosseinioun, M., Moeini, G., “Acicular ferrite nucleation as a diffusion controlled process in high strength low alloy steel weld metal”, Journal of Materials testing, (2016), Vol 58, 848-859.

- Moeini, G., Hosseinioun, MM. and Fadavie, M., " Investigation of Fatigue crack properties in Marine steel weld metal Arc Welding", in proceeding of the 15th Marine Industries Conference, Oktober 29-31, 2013