Conference speeches and poster presentations
Gendig, C. Agnoli, F., Bettiol, C., G., Pagga, U., Strotmann, U. (2002).Evaluation and further development of the short-term respiration test (ISO 8192). SETAC Conference Vienna
Reuschenbach, P., Pagga, U., Strotmann, U. (2002). A critical comparison of respirometric biodegradation tests based on OECD 301 test methods. SETAC Conference Vienna
Strotmann, U. (2000). Modern biotechnology: production of amino acids by bacteria. Invited speech at the University Ca Foscari, Venice, Italy on 29.05.2000
Strotmann, U. Weitere Entwicklung von biologischen Abbautestverfahren unter Berückschtigung der Respirometrie. Symposium am 26.09.2000 bei der BASF AG, Ludwigshafen
Strotmann, U.J., Domogala, G., Gendig, C. and Kluth, C. (2000). Development of a long-term respiration inhibition test for assessing bacterial toxicity of chemical compounds. Third SETAC World Congress, Brighton, U.K.
Strotmann, U.J., Pagga, U. and Reuschenbach, P. (2000). Development and evaluation of a new multi-component biodegradation test to determine biodegradability of chemical compounds. Third SETAC World Congress, Brighton, U.K.
Strotmann, U.J., Domogala, G., Gendig, C., Kern, S. and Oberkönig, W. (1999).Respiration inhibition of activated sludge bacteria by selected organic compounds. 9th Annual meeting of SETAC-Europe, Leipzig, Germany.
Strotmann, U.J., Domogala, G., Gendig, C. and Pagga, U. (1999). Development of a growth inhibition test with activated sludge bacteria for assessing bacterial toxicity of chemical compounds. 9th Annual meeting of SETAC-Europe, Leipzig, Germany.
Strotmann, U.J. and Pagga, U. (1996). Development of a growth inhibition test with sewage bacteria for assessing bacterial toxicity of chemical compounds. Wissenschaftstag der Industrie- und Handelskammer, Muenster
Strotmann, U.J. (1996). Abfallvergärung - ein neues Verfahren zur biologischen Abfallbehandlung. Vortrag im IFE, Recklinghausen am 07.03.1996.
Strotmann, U.J. (1994). Die Prüfung des Abbau- und Eliminationsverhaltens von Abwässern. Vortrag auf dem Workshop "Biologische Abbaubarkeit - Bedeutung für die chemische Industrie, Ludwigshafen
Strotmann, U.J. and Weisbrodt, W. (1993) Wastewater treatment and integrated environmental protection at the BASF AG in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Hauptvortrag auf der Third International Conference on Waste Management in the Chemical and Petrochemical Industries, Salvador (Bahia), Brasilien
Strotmann, U.J. and Bias, W.R. (1993) Biodegradation of morpholine in static biodegradation tests and in wastewater treatment plants Sixth Intern.Symposium Toxicity Assessment and on-line Monitoring, Berlin
Strotmann, U.J. and Bias, W.R. (1992) The dehydrogenase assay as a monitoring instrument for the estimation of toxicity of chemicals to activated sludge Joint Meeting of SETAC-Europe, Potsdam
Strotmann, U., Weisbrodt, W. und Zimmer, G. (1991) Aspekte und Perspektiven der Behandlung von Abwasser aus chemischen Produktionen Kolloquium der TU Berlin (SFB 193)
Strotmann, U. und Röschenthaler, R. (1987) Abbau von 2-Chlorethanol unter aeroben Bedingungen 41.Tagung der DGHM, Heidelberg
Strotmann, U. and Röschenthaler, R. (1987). Toxicology and degradation of shortchain chlorinated hydrocarbons. Zbl.Bakt.Mikrobiol.Hyg. 183:474-475
Strotmann, U. and Röschenthaler, R. (1987). Toxicology of the mycotoxin citrinin in respect to the development of the bacteriophage M 13. Zbl.Bakt.Mikrobiol.Hyg. 183:455
Strotmann, U. and Röschenthaler, R. (1986). Investigations about degradation of monochloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, chloroethanol and dichloromethane.Gemeinsame Frühjahrstagung der VAAM und der Sektion I der DGHM, Münster